Product Quality Management

Product quality is our largest asset and our absolute promise.

The history of Utsunomiya Seisaku that started with the sale of medical-use products has been all about product quality management.
Our product quality management techniques fostered throughout this history has been applied to all the market sectors we are involved in today, including medicine, nursing, food, home and living, and manufacturing. Our high-quality is a large pillar that supports Utsunomiya Seisaku's brand value.

Based on our ideal of "continuously protecting humans and the environment by striving for safety and cleanliness", we provide products and services that will satisfy our customers.

Product Quality Goals

  1. Do our best in improving product quality in order to satisfy our customers.
  2. Advance each of our employees' awareness and actions.
  3. Always consider safety, hygiene, and the environment.
  4. Observe the law and our company's self-imposed regulations.

Utsunomiya Seisaku's largest assets are the product quality management techniques and knowledge that we have continued to build up with the goal to continuously provide products for the sake of humans and the environment.
Our strict examination system that we have created with steady efforts over the years is applied to all of Utsunomiya Seisaku's products and assures our product quality.
In order to create a safe workplace and lifestyle environment by observing our own established quality management goals, we are continuing to provide products that anyone can use worry-free.

On our ISO certification and self-standards BECIQ

Our whole company became certified in ISO14001 (environmental management) in 2004 and in ISO9001 (product quality management) in 2005. As we felt that environmental engagement is also part of product quality efforts, in 2015, we started to apply ISO9001 in a developmental integrative way that incorporated the contents of ISO14001. In 2017, we established our own self-standards called BECIQ that was based on the ideas of both BCM (business continuity management) and ISMS (information security management). Furthermore, in order to strengthen our promise on the safety and quality of medical equipment, we newly acquired ISO13485:2016 (medical equipment quality management) certification.

  • ISO14001
    Certified 2004-2015 (Certifying Authority: JACO)
  • ISO9001
    Certified 2005-2017 (Certifying Authority: JACO)
  • ISO13485:2016
    Certified 2017 ((Certifying Authority: The British Standards Institution Group, Japan)
    (Our company medical equipment or ganization handles the manuf acturing, production control, and sales of unnatural rubber-made gloves for medical examination and the manufacturing of oximeters for functional testing.)

Self-standards BECIQ

Business Continuity Management


Emergency Prevention and Risk Response Countermeasures (Business Continuity)

Environment Management System


Environmental Improvement Contributions and Work Environment Improvement


Societal Responsibilities and Observation of Laws, Regulations, and Self-standards

Information Security Management System


Strengthening Information Security

Quarity Management System


System to accomplish the improvement of people, things, and services through continuous improvement (PDCA)

ISO Certification

Medical Equipment Certification

2nd Type - Medical
Equipment Manufacturing
and Sales Certification

Medical Equipment
Manufacturing and Sales

High-Degree Management
of Medical Equipment
Sales and Lending

CE Declaration of Conformity

Compatible products:Parashield

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On Utsunomiya Seisaku's Quality Inspections

At Utsunomiya Seisaku, we established strict inspection standards for thorough product quality management.
We carry out sampling inspections at our domestic and overseas production plants as well as at our product quality management lab.
Below are examples of the inspection methods we carry out at our product quality management lab.

Glove inspection method (sampling inspection)

Pinhole test

We perform water-leakage inspections to definitively discover minute holes.

Tension test

We measure the strength and stretch ratio of the gloves.

Alcohol inspection

We sprinkle alcohol over the glove to confirm tolerance.
*Only products that are partially nitrile

Aging inspection

In this test, we twist a sample and apply heat to cause aging.
*Only products that are for medical examinations

Air pressure inspection

We test whether or not the break power (KPa) is within the standard limit when swelling up the glove.
*Only polyethylene products

Visual appearance inspection

Lastly, a person will perform a visual inspection.